Thursday 21 July 2011

Pool team working towards final report (#786)

Readers will realise this column it is a series of articles designed to explain the main considerations involved in providing an aquatic centre.  Denmark Aquatic Centre Committee Incorpoarted believes it is essential that the rate-paying community understand the issues Council will have to consider.  It is easy to simply say that Denmark should have a pool but Councillors are duty bound to consider the financial sustainability of such a project.  That’s why Council appointed a special Project Team made up of two Councillors, two Council Officers and two representatives of DACCI to carry out a Feasibility Study.

In early April this year, Coffey Commercial Advisory, the company recommended by the Project Team to give industry input to the study, gave a presentation to Council.  CCA had presented its final report to the Project Team last December.  After exhaustive study, it was found that although the CCA Report had provided a sound model for understanding revenue/expenditure issues, some of the variables used needed to be refined to reflect Denmark’s situation and future needs.  The Team was unanimous that it could only make an Interim Report to Council and it presented this view to all Councillors one week after the CCA presentation.  It was agreed that CCA should be allowed time to respond to any problems we had identified.  The Interim Report was also sent to CCA for comment. Three months have elapsed without challenge from CCA  - so it is safe to assume that the Team can proceed to address perceived problems and present a Final Report to Council.  

DACCI has not been idle.  We have visited five more pools so far and will be reporting back to the Project Team.  It is important that there is continued input from Council Officers.  Since the Project Team was entrusted with a specific task, and since it has unanimously agreed that the task has not yet been completed, it would obviously be a failure of due process if Council staff support was withdrawn at this stage.  DACCI expects this issue will appear on the Council Agenda for August - so that there is a risk, no matter how small, of an aborted process.  It might be a good idea to look out for that Agenda and participate in the August meetings.  Go to for earlier articles and to add your comment or support.

A Puzzle.
The four slices in this pie show the main cost components: Staff; Energy; Annual Refurbishment; and Other Operations (water, cleaning, chemicals, security, insurance and maintenance of plant, equipment, buildings and grounds). 

Which slice belongs with which cost category?

Cyril Edwards,, DACCI
Bulletin #787, July 21  - August 11, 2011

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